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Did you know that cyberattacks often start by targeting Internet of Things (IoT) endpoints? From there, they sneak across corporate networks to hijack identities and infrastructure. Corporate-owned IoT devices are the top targets, with personal IoT gadgets not far behind.
Why are IoT devices so vulnerable?
Their designs prioritize low latency and real-time data capture, often putting integration ahead of security. This makes them a tough nut to crack when defending against cyber threats.
What is IoT Security?
IoT security is all about safeguarding IoT devices and their networks from cyberattacks. These devices often lack built-in security and transfer unencrypted data over the internet, making them easy targets for breaches.
Why is this important?

Security wasn’t a primary consideration in the design of IoT devices, and their growing number and diversity increase the risk of cyber threats. You can’t install security software on most IoT devices, and some may even come with pre-installed malware. That’s why securing the network itself is crucial to protecting your IoT ecosystem.

To learn more about IoT security challenges and understand how to build reliable solutions, check out our detailed blog. IoT Security Challenges and Building Solutions: Part –1 & IoT Security Challenges and Building Solutions: Part -2

What are Big IoT Security Challenges:
What are the IoT Security Trends in 2024?

The IoT is experiencing rapid expansion, with projections estimating over 19 billion connected devices by 2025. This surge in connected devices offers numerous benefits in terms of efficiency and connectivity but also presents significant security challenges.

Many IoT devices prioritize convenience and functionality at the expense of robust security, making them appealing targets for cyber attackers. These weaknesses can result in unauthorized access, data theft, and the use of devices in larger botnet attacks.

1. Multi-Faceted Security Approach
2. AI and Machine Learning in IoT Security
The integration of AI and IoT, known as the Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT), enhances security by analyzing network traffic patterns, identifying anomalies indicating potential breaches, and automating threat responses.
3. Strategic Planning and Vigilance
As IoT devices and networks continue to grow, a combination of technological innovation, strategic security planning, and ongoing vigilance will be essential to protect these digital ecosystems.
What are the best IoT security practices?

In conclusion, the future of IoT security hinges on a collaborative effort. Manufacturers must prioritize built-in security, organizations need robust practices, and advancements in AI offer promising solutions for threat detection. By adopting the a forementioned best practices, you can significantly improve your IoT security posture.

Remember, vigilance is key. Stay updated on the latest threats and don’t hesitate to seek expert guidance. People Tech Group is here to help you navigate the ever-evolving IoT landscape and ensure your connected devices remain secure with our best cybersecurity services.

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